This contest is open to all NC youth ages 5-17. By participating in the Cross Trail Outfitters (CTO) Big Buck Contest, hunters will receive The Youth Big Buck Contest 2025-2026 registration package. This package includes; a hat, sticker and more information about the contest and Cross Trail Outfitters.
Official hunting dates are as determined by NCWRC. Registration must be completed online or mailed and postmarked 24 hours before hunter’s harvest. “There is no charge to register for this contest. Registration is FREE!”
Hunters must hunt only in North Carolina where they have legal rights to hunt. CTO does not provide property on which to hunt and has no duty to provide property on which to hunt.
All rules and regulations of the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) apply to all hunters. Deer may only be harvested with legal means during the season in which the hunt occurs during legal hunting hours. All NCWRC laws pertaining to validating a harvest and recording authorization numbers apply. No deer may be taken in an illegal manner.
Deer must be checked-in and scored within 48 hours of harvest. Check-in and scoring must be recorded at specified locations statewide (please check website and/or with your local chapter for these locations). Hunters will receive an initial score at time of check-in. Hunters with the 12 highest scoring bucks will be subject to a final 3rd party score at the 2026 Dixie Deer Classic using the Boone & Crocket scoring system. Attendance at the 2026 Dixie Deer Classic is required to be eligible for all prize categories. Each participant will only be eligible for one of the top three prizes.
Hunters 16 years of age and older must have completed and passed a Hunter Education Course prior to hunting in this contest. A Hunter Education Certificate number and WRC number is required on the scoring form. All younger hunters are encouraged to complete and pass a Hunter Education Course prior to hunting at any time.
Each hunter and adult hunting partner, if any, will be required to sign a legally enforceable statement swearing under oath that he/she harvested the deer that he/she is entering. Any hunter participating in the CTO Big Buck Contest may be subject to verification by polygraph and agrees to do so by registering for this contest. Failure to pass the polygraph test will result in disqualification.
Prize winners may be subject to additional verification at the discretion of CTO. Failure to submit or consent to verification will disqualify the hunter’s deer submission.
Within 48 hours of harvest a photograph of the youth hunter along with his/her deer harvest and score card is required to be sent via email ( or mailed to CTO The Youth Big Buck Contest PO Box 706 Plymouth, NC 27962.
Photographs and Videos
Any photos/videos obtained by CTO during the contest may be used in promotional materials and CTO reserves the right to copy, publish, reproduce and distribute these images exclusively for the use of the organization according to its non-profit mission.
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