Landowners are vital to CTO and our ability to disciple to young men. Learn about how you can help us fulfill our mission by becoming a landowner today!
In order to conduct weekend outings or camps, Outfitters and State Directors must work with landowners who provide the land for hunting, fishing and other outdoor events for CTO Chapters. CTO understands the importance of these relationships and we take great care to heed all the wishes and preferences of every landowner with whom we work. Outfitters as well as volunteers must respect the fact that God established each landowner as a steward of his or her property.
We strive to set the standard for running safe and meaningful youth hunting and fishing outings. Our policies and procedures, volunteer screening and training, general liability insurance coverage, and strict supervision of youth participants combine to create protection for participating landowners; doing all this in a way that still allows for great fun and meaningful impact for our youth.
Landowners who open their gates to the youth of CTO are covered by a four-layer liability protection:
Anytime Cross Trail Outfitters holds events on new properties, the landowner’s information must be provided to the State Director so that property can be added to CTO’s liability coverage.
We would love to talk to you about opening your gates to CTO to provide a positive impact in a kid's life.
Building Men
Preserving our Heritage
Sharing our Faith
© 2024 Cross Trail Outfitters - All Rights Reserved Registered 501(c)(3).